Windows 10 Build 6.4.9860 released
via fbl_release branch
It was the second preview build of Windows
10, it was released on October 21, 2014.
ร The Action
Center icon has added to the taskbar system tray
ร Universal Apps
now have a black titlebar (Remove colored one)
ร Internet connection
icon on the taskbar now open the PC Settings (Remove fly-out)
ร Multiple animations
have been changed
ร Notifications
are now receive to the Action Center
ร Apps can now
run on a 1024x600 resolution
ร Universal scrolling
is removed
ร MKV and HVEC file
support Build-in
ร Touching to
textbox auto start the onscreen keyboard
New in apps
ร PC Settings
ยง DataSense is
added to manage data connections
ยง Battery Saver
is added to manage energy consumption
ยง You can now
choose get Windows builds as fast ring or slow ring process.
Settings has been added
as a new default app (changes are compared to PC Settings)
ยง Many sections
have been replaced, merged, renamed, replaced
ยง Battery Saver
is added to show usage details
ยง New System
applet: Windows Defender, Battery saver (System), Speech, Storage sense,
ยง Personalization
settings have been added
ยง Many privacy
settings are added
ยง New Network
applet: Network and Wi-Fi: Mobile hotspot, Data Sense, VPN, Direct Access,
Ethernet, Mobile broadband
ยง New
Personalization applet: Themes, Background, Colors, Sounds
ยง add Optional
Features to setting the app
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