Holoportation - TenWindows

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Thursday 31 March 2016



      We are glad to share new technology feature Named “holoportation”. Microsoft is a known company to produce newer technologies. Now they have decided to make holoportation feature through hardware. This is the advance feature of HoloLens. The feature i.e. holoportation will first time implement in the world of hardware technologies. By using this feature of HoloLens, the user can make the virtual communication at easiest way.


      Basically it’s a one type of communication. As The name suggest, holoportation is used to port digital data form from one place to another. A digital data can anything like yourself. Yes, you read right. Now HoloLens will available with this feature. Microsoft uses 3D cameras to accomplish this segment. These 3D Cameras are surrounded to both location i.e. source and destination. 3D cameras are very useful to generate real time replica of source data to destination because it sends real-time holographic image from the source. The HoloLens can discover large distance for teleporting, for example it can port the replica from mars to earth.
The Holoportation feature is in under process and developers are trying to resolve some problem such as, Low resolution from HoloLens. To better understand we prefers to watch the videos which are given at end of the article. That videos contains of virtual replica of NASA’s Jeff Norris and Live demo of holoporting with Alex Kipman. 

Note: This HoloLens is in under development, it will take a long time for commercial availability.
Holoportation Reviewed by Unknown on March 31, 2016 Rating: 5 Introduction:       We are glad to share new technology feature Named “holoportation”. Microsoft is a known company to produce n...

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